GCC Businesses could face multiple VAT challenges in the short-run
D ubai : The VAT implementation in GCC states could create operational risks for businesses and put pressure on Ebitda [earnings before income tax, depreciation, and amortization} and cash flows in some industries as markets adjust, according to analysts and rating agencies. VAT implementation 2018, which would make a tight timetable in an area with the little history of tax collection of any kind. This will present more prominent vulnerability and operational difficulties for GCC corporates than for organizations in different areas with setting up charge societies that have presented VAT or improved their duty frameworks. Experts said they anticipate that GCC governments will perceive these difficulties and demonstrate a level of adaptability amid the underlying execution. "Businesses across GCC will have to replace or update IT systems, actualize new methodology and prepare staff before VAT is presented. This will be particularly burdensome as it will add to costs when lo...